Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tell the Truth Thursday! I Need A Break....

It's not you... It's me...
I swear there is no one else... well kinda... (my kids don't count right...)

That is pretty much how I feel right now... 

I started this blog a year ago as a way to help me get and stay creative, reach out to others that had the same interests as me and get myself out there and now I am sitting around thinking this was all just a mistake... 
well maybe not a mistake but something that wasn't the best decision.

When I started blogging it was fun and exciting and it was something new and wonderful I had so much fun coming up with ideas and new topics for posts, however I now find myself looking at the computer and thinking why am I trying to write a post about this... or I just don't want to do this... so I haven't been posting. 

It's really a combination of things that has been keeping me from posting and crafting and baking and all.... Our computer has been moved to our room since we moved from our last home so its harder for me to sit here when I have a free minute or two, Max is requiring a lot more attention these days... (apparently that happens as they start growing...), I have started to babysit again taking in a child part time and also we are doing more activities as a family that require my time and attention. There are also these feelings that have been nagging at me over the last little while, I'd say since November or maybe earlier... I find that I am trying so hard to post that I just don't want to, I feel like I am trying to keep up with the all the other mommy bloggers and all the other craft bloggers and why should I try when nothing I do looks even 1/2 as cool as they do... I feel like every time I get a minute to myself I just want to sit still and glare longingly at the TV or pick up a book and just escape... I feel so pressed for time... I feel very uninspired... I want to do so many things but I can't decide on what I will actually do... I feel kinda stunted by Pinterest and overwhelmed with Facebook and twitter.
So I have been thinking for a while that I am going to take a break... maybe if I don't feel the pressure of the blog breathing down my neck, waiting for the posts to write themselves I will find it easier to get back to it and get something worthwhile done.

Don't get me wrong I don't want to go away completely I just want to take a step back figure out what I want to do with the blog and maybe even start over... I need a few weeks to decide what I want to get out of writing the blog, what it means to me now... It seems strange that in just one year I have lost all interest in the one thing that helped to keep me sane for most of last year... 

I just don't want to hate blogging and never comeback to it because I didn't take the time I needed to figure out what the evolution of the blog would be.... 

So for now I wont be blogging but I am giving myself a deadline to work all this out... 
I have until the end of February... 

I'm giving myself 20 days to figure it out.


  1. I wrote something very similar a few days ago. Overall feeling overwhelmed with a lot of things... I decided to just take a step back and not force myself to make a post.

    Hang in there! I think many of us bloggers feel the same from time to time!


I am taking a break from the blog right now and so while I am away please feel free to email me or find me on Twitter if you have a comment or question!

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