Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tell the Truth Thursday! Im a trekkie!

Its been a while since my Tell the Truth Thursday reveled something about me...
So here goes my confession my dear hubby has turned me into a TREKKIE!
Yikes I know!

It all started a long time ago when we first started dating.... and he would occasionally put on re-runs if he saw them on while channel surfing...  and then when we moved in together I realized that he regularly watch re-runs of the long running series (and I'm talking all of the three newer series's).
I started watching just to not be the nagging girlfriend who hated what he wanted to watch... and then in no time I was hooked... 

They had such great writers, story telling and guest stars over the years...
I guess that is what I love the most... yes its set in space, yes its all aliens and science fiction with transporters, new planets and  crazy beings always attacking the ship or the station but at the heart of it all was a great story and great characters. The story was usually something that anyone could relate to... inequality, standing up for yourself, embracing a new culture, even God... (on more than one occasion) and you felt that even in the craziest situations you could feel connected with the decisions or feeling of one of the characters...

Its gotten worse over time... I have been looking for Star Trek onesies for Baby Max, I just finished watching all of the seasons of Deep Space 9 and have moved on to Voyager.... 
And sadly I have seen the most recent Star Trek movie (which was a recommendation as a Christmas gift to Robyn... you know one of those gifts that are more for you than for him but you feel too nerdy asking for it yourself...) more than any normal girl should...

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