Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tell the Truth Thursday!

Boys suck the life out of you... 

Being a woman who has carried both sexes I have to say Boys (or from my experience with this boy) are harder to carry! I have been feeling worse with the pregnancy than I ever was with Delaney... at least that's how I remember it... I remember being tired and moody while pregnant with Delaney but I never had much of any morning sickness, I was tired but never did I want to sleep all day everyday for a month, I had some swelling in my feet and a few cramps and such but never this much round ligament pain or just aches and pains in general... I was hungry while pregnant with Delaney but never did I want to eat and eat and eat... I could eat us out of house and home! I have been having seconds and sometimes thirds at supper for weeks now (I never eat seconds) 

I honestly think, and no there is no scientific fact behind this, that boys suck the life out of you... for nine months (ten really) they make you eat more, sleep more, ache more, gain more and all around take whatever they can get, knowing full well that at the end once they are born that you will love them no matter what, lay down your own life for them, give them everything they need and more and you will forget that they sucked the life out of you for nine months (ten really). 

I think the hardest part about having a second baby, who happens to be a boy is that you know that "it's all worth it in the end" and "it's not easy making a human being" and "your growing a baby of course its takes a lot of work" but you have nine month (ten really) to remember the last pregnancy and how different they are and how long they suck the life out of you...

In defense of boy baby's everywhere I do believe that I had this same argument while pregnant with Delaney... so really my "Truth" this Thursday is that being pregnant sucks the life out of you, but when they kick and roll in your tummy you forget, and when they are born and look at you, you forget, and when they grow and learn and temp you to have more baby's because all you can remember are those great moments when they kicked and rolled in your tummy, when they were born and looked at you and when they started to grow and learn things you forget... until your 21 weeks pregnant and you remember... 

What's your "Truth" this Thursday? Can you sympathize with me? or are you thinking about the truth about newborns, or toddlers cause I'm sure gonna be thinking that soon... lol

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